A Blueprint for Aspiring Million Dollar Producers to Follow

A Blueprint for Aspiring Million Dollar {Producers to Follow - AskDON

A while ago I received an email from Guy Steele who is a friend and an advisor in Hawaii. He said:

“Give me an idea of how a million dollar producer works. How many calls a day do they make? How many hours a day do they work? Mentally what’s their mindset each day when they go to the office? Do you have a blueprint for aspiring million dollar producers to follow?”

Listen to Don’s answer or read the transcript below.

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Three Challenges Financial Advisors Face in Their Daily Work

Three Challenges Financial Advisors Face in Their Daily Work

A recent post on this blog outlined three challenges Advisors face when acquiring clients. This week I’ll outline three more chief challenges you are probably facing in your daily work, along with some tips on how to overcome them.

#1. Providing clients with reassurance when the markets take a downturn

Keeping clients on track when markets take a dive is a situation many advisors find tricky. But It’s essential to know how to keep clients invested for the long term.

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How Do I Get People to Call Me Back?

Don Connelly audio podcast

I heard this great question from Jesse in Grand Rapids. Jesse said he was having difficulty getting people to return his calls, after supposedly thinking about his proposal. He meets with prospects and makes his presentation. They say “Let me think it over, I’ll give you a call” and they never do. After some time has passed, he calls them and leaves messages but they never return his calls. Why is that?

Listen to Don’s answer to this question or read the transcript.

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What Happens If You’re Not Brilliant at The Basics?

What Happens If You’re Not Brilliant at The Basics

Only a tiny percentage of financial advisors get to the top and there’s no mystery about how they got there. It’s because they did what unsuccessful advisors didn’t: they became brilliant at the basics.

Unless you nail the basics there’s no way you can become an elite advisor. If you don’t set goals, work hard, organize your time efficiently and practice your soft skills to perfection you won’t have the underlying tools to take your business to the next level.

There are no shortcuts to getting the basics right. It will take time, years in fact. But if you don’t put in the effort, you won’t reap the rewards. If you don’t get brilliant at the basics your career will fizzle out long before you achieve success. Here’s a look at some of the basics and what happens when you don’t get them right.

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Elite Advisors Never Lose the Will to Learn

Elite Advisors Never Lose the Will to Learn

If you stop wanting to improve your skills you will cease to be good at your job. Don’t let short term success make you overly confident or complacent. While having a successful month, a good quarter or even a good year is great news it does not guarantee your success further down the line. All bets are on that a slump is out there waiting for you somewhere, and when it does, it can quickly turn things on their head. So you need to have a backup plan.

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How to Become a Successful Financial Advisor

How to Become a Successful Financial Advisor

There are lots of average financial advisors out there, but very few great ones. And it may surprise you to learn that those that do get to the top rarely get there on talent alone. Successful advisors do however share certain attributes and have a work ethic that marks them out. They have a clear vision, work hard and never stop developing their skills.

Here are five things you must do if you want to be a successful financial advisor.

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Excellence Is a Habit – How to Develop it

Excellence is a habit - how to develop it

There is no convenient escalator to success, but rather a stairway which needs to be climbed step by step. No one becomes a great advisor overnight, or by being endowed with extra talent. Those that succeed do so because they’ve plied their trade day after day to such a degree that they have become the best at what they do. They have a plan and they stick to it; they understand what’s important and put their focus into these areas. They became ‘brilliant at the basics’.

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Looking Back on 2014

Looking Back on 2014

Thank you.

Your support means the world to everyone here at Don Connelly & Associates. Without you, there is no learning center. Your loyalty is not taken for granted.

2014 was a learning year for me, as I’m sure it was for you. I remember Bob Dunwoody once described himself as a student-teacher. He said he learns as much from Advisors as he teaches them. I know what he means.

It was also a year of observation.

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