What Happens If You’re Not Brilliant at The Basics?
Only a tiny percentage of financial advisors get to the top and there’s no mystery about how they got there. It’s because they did what unsuccessful advisors didn’t: they...
Only a tiny percentage of financial advisors get to the top and there’s no mystery about how they got there. It’s because they did what unsuccessful advisors didn’t: they...
Unsuccessful advisors may dream of success but they can’t seem to commit to or stick with their ideas. They tend to procrastinate or spend their time struggling to discern...
Listen to today’s short audio post on brilliance and get inspired for success! This is a true story of a young boy being sent home from school with a note...
Developing a career as a financial advisor is not for the fainthearted. There are plenty of pitfalls to look out for along the way. New advisors often lack...
To stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace, advisors need to be creative in their approach to finding and retaining clients. Here are a few marketing tactics you may...
What we find very easy clients often find difficult to digest. Even when you think you’re getting across your points well clients can be baffled by your financial knowledge....
Let’s talk about goal setting. I’d like to tell you about a piece I read, called "Keep your eyes on the prize". Watch the video or read the transcript...
If you want to achieve success as a financial advisor you need to have plenty of prospective clients in the pipeline. In an ideal world your appointment book should...
The raw truth about our business is that nothing happens without an appointment. You may be the greatest or the smartest advisor in the world, but if you don’t...
Prospecting is the one crucial marketing activity you need to undertake in order to identify and attract new clients. New clients will not fall into your lap by accident. If...