/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 3 comments
People will only do business with you if they like you and trust you. Human decisions are generally subjective. Even if you are the most professional financial advisor out there, if people don’t warm to you they won’t commit to you. Prospects will not choose you simply because you are competent; they will choose to do business with you because you are competent and likeable.
By becoming likeable you will stand head and shoulders above other advisors. And you don’t need innate talent to become more likeable. You can learn how to radiate confidence and charisma.
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In this category you will find blog posts with practical tips how to better market yourself as a financial advisor.
5 Financial Advisor Marketing Ideas You May Never Have Thought of
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
To stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace, advisors need to be creative in their approach to finding and retaining clients. Here are a few marketing tactics you may not have come across that could help to ignite your business.
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Why Is Online Reputation Important for Your Success as a Financial Advisor
/ by Diana Marinova / Connelly Corner, Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
As Don Connelly always says, only three things must take place for you to get a new client: that person must like you, trust you and think you are smart. But how could prospects like you, trust you and think you are smart if they never met you? How do you come across as likeable, trustworthy and smart if you have no prior relationship with them?
The answer lies in your online reputation.
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Have You Worked Out Who Your Ideal Clients Are?
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
The decision to open the new account is yours as much as it is the client’s. Define your ideal client. Be selective and choose your clients with care. Elite Advisors have the ability to identify and target a demographic that works best for them. They differentiate themselves from the competition by making their skills stand out as a perfect match for prospective clients. The best way to do this is to focus, laser-like, on specific ideal client types.
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Top 5 Reasons Advisors Fail
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 2 comments
It may come as a surprise to learn that financial advisors don’t generally fail because of the numbers. They do so because of poor ‘soft’ skills. Being unable to manage a business competently or provide top notch customer service are more likely to get you fired than an inability to get returns on investment.
If you want to succeed as a financial advisor you need to stand out in a highly commoditized industry – which means not being guilty of the following:
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The Pool Table Story
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
What do you think – do you really know your audience?
I want to tell you a story about really knowing your audience – about being comfortable as a salesperson.
Watch the video or read the transcript below.
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How to Find What Makes You Different from Other Advisors
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
The financial services marketplace is heavily commoditized. There are lots of firms offering basically the same products to the same people, so being the same as everyone else in this industry will not cut it. In order to succeed you need to quickly identify what makes you stand apart from the crowd. Ask yourself these questions in order to find out if you have the unique attributes you need to succeed.
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How to Win Over Clients by Becoming More Likeable
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 3 comments
People will only do business with you if they like you and trust you. Human decisions are generally subjective. Even if you are the most professional financial advisor out there, if people don’t warm to you they won’t commit to you. Prospects will not choose you simply because you are competent; they will choose to do business with you because you are competent and likeable.
By becoming likeable you will stand head and shoulders above other advisors. And you don’t need innate talent to become more likeable. You can learn how to radiate confidence and charisma.
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How a Marketing Resume Can Help You Get Out of a Rut
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
If you feel that you’re stuck in rut, and can’t see how to get your business back on track then it’s time for a change. The worst thing you can do is just sit there and hope things pick up. Overcome your inertia and develop a clear marketing and client acquisition strategy. Decide what your unique value proposition is and create a marketing resume.
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Don’t Sell Me Things
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself / 0 comments
Ever since you got in this business you’ve been told about features and benefits, you’ve been told to market yourself, you’ve been told that people want to know what we can do for them. Let me read you something written in the 1940s that sums up exact- this whole issue perfectly. It was part of a thing called Sears and Roebuck Adventures in Salesmanship. It was entitled “Don’t sell me things”. And it’s as poignant today as it was in the 1940’s.
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How to Develop Your ‘Who I am Story’
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
To succeed as a financial advisor you need to find a compelling method of differentiating yourself from the competition. To get to the top you need to stand out as being likeable and trustworthy so that clients will want to do business with you. A great way to build rapport with clients is to tell stories and in particular, you should spend some time developing a ‘who I am story’.
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