/ by Don Connelly / Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
Let me tell you a couple of cool things about stories. For one thing they don’t need to be very long to be effective.
The shortest inaugural address ever was George Washington’s. It was just a hundred and thirty-five words. Now compare that to William Henry Harrison. In 1841, in his inaugural address, Harrison talked for two hours, he said 9000 words, and it was freezing. A month later, he died of a cold and pneumonia.
Watch this video or read the transcript below to learn more about short stories effectiveness and to hear a couple of stories from Don.
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In this blog category you will find blog posts packed with stories, analogies, power phrases and how to use them to better your practice and to become a successful financial advisor.
You Have to Take Risks to Reach Your Goals
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
Here’s a Mr. and Mrs. Client story to help you explain to prospects and clients why taking risks is necessary.
Mr. and Mrs. Client, I know you know what to do. Let me show you how to do it.
You can watch the video or read the transcript, if you prefer.
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Storytelling for Financial Advisors – Acquiring High Net Worth Clients through “Storyselling”
/ by Diana Marinova / Connelly Corner, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
Nowadays “storyselling for financial advisors” is a big search trend. I found a book with that title but I doubt that’s what people in the industry are looking for. My guess would be that they are after high net worth clients with yet another “modern technique”. Truth be told, storyselling is just a catchy name for good old storytelling that Financial Advisors so rarely master completely.
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3 Analogies on Long-Term Investing to Use with Clients
/ by Don Connelly / Investing Wisdom, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
Today, I’d like to talk about the long term. You know that I like visuals; I like props; I like things that talk in mom-and-dad language. So I’ll share three analogies you can use with prospects and clients to help them commit to the long-term nature of investing.
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Nobody’s Holding You Back but You
/ by Don Connelly / Best Practices, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
Listen to today’s short audio post on brilliance and get inspired for success!
This is a true story of a young boy being sent home from school with a note from his teacher. The boy happened to be deaf. The note said – “This boy is too stupid to learn.”
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Five Analogies Financial Advisors Can and Should Use with Clients
/ by Don Connelly / Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
What we find very easy clients often find difficult to digest. Even when you think you’re getting across your points well clients can be baffled by your financial knowledge. To get across your ideas so that clients will understand, use analogies.
Advisors who use storytelling and analogies to convey strategies and concepts have a competitive advantage over those that don’t. Analogies help to paint a powerful mental picture that connects to a client’s emotions. Using vivid analogies also helps to leave a powerful impression once clients have left the office – both of you and of the message or takeaway.
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Good Stories Don’t Need to Be Long to Be Effective
/ by Don Connelly / Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
Let me tell you a couple of cool things about stories. For one thing they don’t need to be very long to be effective.
The shortest inaugural address ever was George Washington’s. It was just a hundred and thirty-five words. Now compare that to William Henry Harrison. In 1841, in his inaugural address, Harrison talked for two hours, he said 9000 words, and it was freezing. A month later, he died of a cold and pneumonia.
Watch this video or read the transcript below to learn more about short stories effectiveness and to hear a couple of stories from Don.
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Don’t Replace Your Good Furniture – Analogy
/ by Don Connelly / Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
We’ve said time and time again that people love analogies and stories. If you become a great storyteller, you’re gonna hit the ball right out of the park every single day in this business.
Listen to Don’s audio post with the furniture analogy or read the transcript below.
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The Pool Table Story
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
What do you think – do you really know your audience?
I want to tell you a story about really knowing your audience – about being comfortable as a salesperson.
Watch the video or read the transcript below.
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How to Develop Your ‘Who I am Story’
/ by Don Connelly / Marketing Yourself, Storytelling, analogies and power phrases / 0 comments
To succeed as a financial advisor you need to find a compelling method of differentiating yourself from the competition. To get to the top you need to stand out as being likeable and trustworthy so that clients will want to do business with you. A great way to build rapport with clients is to tell stories and in particular, you should spend some time developing a ‘who I am story’.
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