Good Manners Will Endear You to More People than You Realize

Importance of Good Manners for Financial Advisors

Photo by Stuart Miles |

The euphemism ‘Silent Majority’ most likely dates to the 1830’s in America. It originally signified dead people, there being more dead people throughout history than living people at any moment in time. It slipped into our political vocabulary in the 20th century. Today the phrase denotes an unspecified large majority of people in a country or group who do not express their opinions publicly. There are so many things about which people simply do not speak up. One such thing is rudeness.

Almost everyone thinks we live in a rude world, but nobody makes a big deal of it.

To the contrary, Simon Cowell has made millions specifically because of his rude behavior. There is nothing redeemable or likeable about him, yet he seems to be having the last laugh. My father would have punched his lights out. Right after he got done punching out Kanye West.

The point of this article is not to pinpoint the cause or causes of rude behavior.

The point is to find the silver lining. Scarcity makes anything valuable and good manners are scarce. Good manners will be instantly recognized and widely appreciated, just not by rude people. Good manners will be lauded and appreciated by the silent majority, the people with whom you aspire to do business. They are looking for someone like you.

People will only do business with you if they like you.

Civility is the backbone of likeability. With good manners, you will be a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stressed out world. Good manners come through in little ways. Holding the door for the next person; saying please and thank you; talking quietly on a cell phone; letting the person with a few items cut in front of you at the supermarket.

A little act like holding a door or not interrupting can have a ripple effect beyond all expectations.

People won’t talk as much about the door that was held as much as they will talk about the character of the person who held the door.

If you are known for your good breeding, you will be talked up.

All an Advisor really has is his or her reputation. Markets can crash, rates can soar and investments can blow up. A good person can survive all those things. Those are events and do not reflect upon your character. Rudeness reflects on your character. So does politeness.

How polite you choose to be will determine the closeness or distance you wish to create.

Politeness determines social distance. If you want to get close to people and you want people to get close to you, be polite. How you address someone determines what you get in return.

I assure you that any couple lucky enough to have a competent, likeable, trustworthy and well-bred Financial Advisor will talk that Advisor up. Your social calendar will fill out and so will your referral cache. You know how fast rude acts get talked up. Polite acts get talked up just as quickly.

Standing apart from the crowd changes everything.

Good manners will help you stand apart. You’ll be the talk of the town.

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  • Jim /

    Good advice as always….a little politeness in business and in life is always a good thing. Thank you for reminding us.

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